We take a look at your current portfolio investments, like your 401(k) accounts, IRAs, even individual stocks, and we stress test them to see how they would have performed in 2008 in case we ever face another market freefall. We can show you how your investments are actually performing net of fees, and how they may perform in the future, with a particular view to making sure your retirement funds remain as safe as possible.
Many retirees had plenty of money in their 401k portfolios prior to 2008, but then their retirements were wiped out. At URA Group AZ, we don’t want that to happen to anyone. We have invested heavily in many different types of software to help you. For instance, we have a program which will take your 401k portfolio as you have it right now, and run projections for you to show you at what age you might run into trouble if you withdraw a certain percentage every month.
We take a look at your current portfolio investments, like your 401(k) accounts, IRAs, even individual stocks, and we stress test them to see how they would have performed in 2008 in case we ever face another market freefall. We can show you how your investments are actually performing net of fees, and how they may perform in the future, with a particular view to making sure your retirement funds remain as safe as possible.
Many retirees had plenty of money in their 401k portfolios prior to 2008, but then their retirements were wiped out. At URA Group AZ, we don’t want that to happen to anyone. We have invested heavily in many different types of software to help you. For instance, we have a program which will take your 401k portfolio as you have it right now, and run projections for you to show you at what age you might run into trouble if you withdraw a certain percentage every month.
When can I retire without running out of money? Can I continue my present standard of living into my retirement years? How can I optimize my Social Security benefit to help my specific situation? How could my situation change during challenging economic times? How would it affect my family if I die prematurely? How would it affect my family if I enter a nursing facility? What are the possible solutions if my situation changes?
When can I retire without running out of money? Can I continue my present standard of living into my retirement years? How can I optimize my Social Security benefit to help my specific situation? How could my situation change during challenging economic times? How would it affect my family if I die prematurely? How would it affect my family if I enter a nursing facility? What are the possible solutions if my situation changes?
Here is an example of the precise information that will be calculated when we run your Stress Test. This hypothetical couple will run into problems in the year 2030 and will be out of money in 2032!
Here is an example of the precise information that will be calculated when we run your Stress Test. This hypothetical couple will run into problems in the year 2030 and will be out of money in 2032!
How do you know if your investments aren’t laden with fees, or if they are the best investments for you? Stress Testing will show you the underlying fees attached to each of the investments you own.
How do you know if your investments aren’t laden with fees, or if they are the best investments for you? Stress Testing will show you the underlying fees attached to each of the investments you own.